
Living in the Present – Mindfulness and Well-being Course for Adults

Welcome to The Present Courses CIC:

We’re delighted to announce that we now have an agreement with Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) for them to offer The Present for Schools. Find out more and book your place.

We are a not for profit organisation. Our aim is to provide a universally accessible approach to building friendly awareness in our lives, to help as many people as possible to live better with being human.

Living in the Present – an 8-week introduction to mindfulness and well-being for adults 

The Present for Schools – a mindfulness and well-being curriculum created for children in educational settings

We offer free resources to help you start exploring mindfulness in daily life and work.

For anyone who has done an eight-week mindfulness course already we offer practice support groups and retreats.

We also teach and train internationally.

The Present approach offers an introduction to mindfulness and well-being for all ages 3 to 103!  

Our courses are age appropriate, accessible and support people to be, and to live, more mindfully. The Present Courses is a fresh approach, especially relevant for busy people, as we learn about mindfulness alongside the activities and relationships of our lives. We offer a range of practice styles to choose from to suit each person and the life we are living. Mindfulness practice continues to develop throughout our lives and this approach intends to offer you a way that you can begin to discover mindfulness for yourself and practise it in your daily life.

Do you drive past a beautiful sunset with your mind replaying another moment now passed or imagining one yet to come?
Do you eat a meal but not taste your food?
Are you juggling to-do lists, rushing towards next moments to get things done?

This is true for many of us in our busy 21st century lives, but the present moment is the only moment we are actually living, and we miss this moment so often.

How could mindfulness support you to be here, now more often?  

If you were lost in a strange city the first thing you would do is find out where you are now, wouldn’t you? 

Developing a mindfulness practice teaches us to be here with ourselves and our experiences, more reliably, with greater friendliness and awareness. We learn to live life more fully and with greater ease. Knowing this moment from experiencing it can help us settle into the home of here, now, skilfully being with and choosing responses from what we find.

Both Living in the Present for Adults and The Present for Schools are available through the medium of Welsh.

To find out more:

Call us on: 07599 192800

Email us at: info@thepresentcourses.org